Dewberry is performing persistent commissioning℠ (PCx℠), an advanced building analytics service, as a pilot program for North Carolina State University (NCSU). The project has been separated into two phases: initialization and ongoing monitoring.
During initialization, Dewberry and NCSU personnel identified candidate buildings based on current and anticipated energy use intensities (EUI), opportunities assessed during preliminary screening, building automation system (BAS) interoperability, availability of historical trend data, and tenant operational requirements. Once identified, the firm developed baseline metrics and cost estimates using existing as-built drawings, testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) reports, asset data, and controls information.
Dewberry is continuously collecting BAS trend, environmental and utility data, analyzing and anticipating instrumentation issues, and performing functional testing while commissioning professionals are analyzing building operations to help NCSU improve targeted building performance. The firm is tracking building system deficiencies and irregularities while identifying opportunities for the university. NCSU can then rely on recommended actions alongside real-time analytics presented via customized dashboards to coordinate work orders using in-house resources. Dewberry is also making recommendations for modifications to control sequences and instrumentation and is facilitating implementation by coordinating the staff actions. Verification of measures was performed and is continuously monitored to confirm the achieved savings persist over time.