For the past few years, I've volunteered on the Facilities Committee at my local YMCA in Madison, New Jersey; evaluating ways to trim facility costs and keep them competitive with newer, private clubs. I'm on the committee to provide my expertise as an engineering consultant, but I've learned a great deal about facility operations and working with municipal officials. One of the most innovative projects we worked on was a rooftop solar photovoltaic system energy saving performance contract.
My work with the "Y" is partially responsible for my recent appointment to the Borough of Madison's Sustainable Madison Advisory Committee. The purpose of this committee is to develop and implement sustainability initiatives to qualify the borough for certification under the Sustainable Jersey program, which grants money to support sustainable efforts in state municipalities. Currently, I'm working on the borough's greenhouse gas inventory, which involves reducing our carbon footprint. I've also worked with the borough on developing a solar project for our municipal buildings and commuter parking lots.
The Sustainability Committee allows local professionals with different levels of experience to collaborate, and learn from one another. It's given me an understanding of others' thoughts on sustainability, and has helped me better comprehend my client's views and needs regarding project implementation in the municipal environment.
I've enjoyed taking my lessons learned from large projects at Dewberry, and applying them on a small scale in my own community. Not only am I making a difference in my hometown, but my efforts have produced a good model for my children to follow, teaching them to take care of the environment, and to make a difference however they can.