After five years of planning design and development, the 3rd District Police Station in Silver Spring, Maryland, broke ground for construction yesterday. It was an especially exciting event, as this will be the first new police station built in Montgomery County within the last 30 years.
Where it Began
In 2007, we were contacted by Montgomery County to do a feasibility study for a parcel of county-owned property. The goal was to develop the site with a new police station to replace the currently outdated facility. Originally built in 1962, the current facility is no longer able to provide adequate work space for staff, accommodate future technology, or provide appropriate meeting space for the public.
After reviewing multiple options for the development of the site, Montgomery County, Montgomery County Park and Planning, and local community members agreed on the plan now being executed that maximizes open space and minimizes developmental impact on the adjacent residential neighborhood.
The new 32,844-gross-square-foot station will consist of two floors—on the first floor, operations, patrol and patrol support functions, and a small detainee processing area will be housed; the second floor will house investigative units, staff support, and administration. Additionally, the station will include a public meeting room to facilitate outreach within the community and a command center that will be the access point for satellite facilities within the 3rd Police District.
A Sustainable Environment
Designed to achieve LEED Silver® certification, the facility will incorporate multiple environmentally sensitive design elements:
- Low impact site design elements that reduce storm water runoff
- Vegetation that covers 85 percent of the roof area
- Light wells and large windows that bring daylight and views to most occupied spaces
- Water-efficient plumbing fixtures
- Energy-efficient building envelope and HVAC design
- Use of recycled and locally manufactured materials
To create a natural buffer between the police station and neighboring residential areas, a four-acre forest conservation easement will be maintained on the west and north side of the facility.
Collaboration and Partnership
Having worked on this project for five years, I have come to further appreciate the importance of collaboration and input from all project stakeholders, the police, the county, and local community members—all of whom provided valuable input to the design process and made valuable contributions to the success of the project.
Working closely with municipal officials, community members, and other stakeholders, we were able to design a functional, flexible, and secure facility that will provide a strong civic presence and connection to the community. I look forward to seeing the completed project in the fall of 2013.
On July 18, 2012, Mark Scott, RA, LEED AP, DBIA; Kristina Kobulsky, LEED AP; Mark Kuczynski, CDT, DBIA; and Peter Okafor, PE (L-R) attended the groundbreaking for the new 3rd District Police Station in Silver Spring, Maryland.