Securing Federal Funding
Our firm has supported the NCDOT Rail Division since 2016 with the development of a series of grant applications and benefit-cost analysis to fund a variety of rail corridor improvements, including grade separation projects, new access connections, and corridor upgrades. In 2022, we prepared a successful application for the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program, for which NCDOT was awarded $58 million for the preliminary engineering and survey for the R2R corridor.
The Federal Railroad Administration awarded NCDOT a $1.09 billion grant as part of the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program, which awards funds for capital projects that expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service, reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or enhance rail safety."
Beth Smyre
Condition Assessment
Prior to the preliminary engineering phase, our firm worked with NCDOT to develop a condition assessment of the R2R corridor, assessing the condition of the existing rail corridor right-of-way and remaining track and identifying environmental features of concern that could impede future right-of-way acquisition and rail design. The final assessment summarized the location and condition of all public infrastructure, adjacent industrial and commercial development, private driveways and crossings, areas of potential environmental risk, and existing rail infrastructure.
Environmental Screening
Our environmental services team has also been involved on this effort, recently completing an environmental screening for 24 miles of the R2R corridor between Norlina and Brunswick County, Virginia. This screening effort includes a review of community and natural resources to determine any changes in conditions since NCDOT issued the Record of Decision (ROD) in 2017. As part of this effort, we engaged key local stakeholders to gather feedback on any recent developments along the corridor.
Survey Services
In the summer of 2023, our survey team also joined the initiative, completing traverse and leveling for 34 miles of track along the proposed route from Raleigh to Norlina. Their work included setting GPS panels for photogrammetry control in Wake, Franklin, Vance, and Warren Counties and surveying underground utilities located at each at-grade crossing in Wake County. Our crews will soon begin topographic surveys in Wake County, which will be used by design teams for grading purposes.
Rail Design
Our transportation design team is beginning its work on the R2R corridor, supporting the drainage design for 11 miles of the R2R in North Carolina.
It has been rewarding experience to support the development of the R2R corridor and to work with our clients every step of the way to help make it happen. We look forward to riding the train!