Our 2024 Interns' Tips and Takeaways

An internship is a valuable opportunity for students and recent graduates to gain hands-on experience in their field of interest, create lasting connections with industry experts, and build confidence as they enter the workforce as the next generation of architects, engineers, and consultants. This summer, we welcomed 138 interns from 54 different universities in 39 office locations. Our program introduces interns to unique concepts and challenges and encourages interdisciplinary exploration with a summer-long intern group project.

Our interns are also integrated into the projects our full-time employees work on. This hands-on experience, along with the opportunity to participate in career workshops and leadership panel discussions, helps prepare them for their careers after graduation. As our interns begin wrapping up their time here, we asked them to share their lessons learned, project anecdotes, and favorite experiences from the summer.

Can you describe a lesson learned during your internship program?

Katie Ngyuen, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, New York, New York
This summer, I learned the importance of communication. Communication not only helps you professionally, but also personally. By communicating and asking questions, you can open yourself up to people and experiences that you may not have gained from staying quiet.

Julia Post, Virginia Tech, Water Resources, Gainesville, Virginia
I learned to not be afraid to ask questions, which allowed me to really understand what is going on in different aspects of the design process. Furthermore, following up by asking what I can do to improve the next time made me feel more confident in my skills as an engineer.

MaryGrace Gozzi, University of Virginia, Resilience Planning, Fairfax, Virginia
I learned to advocate for myself to find project work that fits my skillset and interests by reaching out to different team members to share my availability and technical abilities. Proactive communication has been a vital part of my work this summer.

What project did you most enjoy working on during your internship at Dewberry, and why?

Monica Gleason, Oklahoma State University, Interior Design, Tulsa, Oklahoma
I really enjoyed working on the Grove Police and Fire Station projects this summer! I didn’t imagine myself working in either of these sectors of design, so taking part in design decisions for these projects has been an eye-opening experience.

Emory Hornung, California Polytechnic State University, Resilience Engineering, Denver, Colorado
I most enjoyed helping write the Colorado Flood Threat Bulletin. The bulletin is a valuable resource for the people of Colorado, especially those who are working outside. This gave me a sense of purpose every time I helped with writing it.

Nicole Gualtiere, Manhattan College, Bridge and Structures Engineering, New York, New York
I most enjoyed working on a bridge improvement project for the New York State Department of Transportation, the first one I worked on at my internship. The project involved replacing the bridge joints on a set of twin bridges. I think one of my proudest moments this summer was seeing the drawings I put together on MicroStation being included in our submission to the client.

Isaac Ferguson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Architecture, Peoria, Illinois
I extremely enjoyed working on a conceptual design project for Eureka High School. I went to high school there and being a part of the design process for a monumental project in my own community was really special. Working on this project helped me gain a better understanding of charrettes, the overall project process, how to solve various design problems, and being an integral part of a team.

How have you grown professionally and personally?

Hiba Pirani, University of Florida, Florida Water, Jacksonville, Florida
Personally, I developed a circle of coworkers and friends that I am happy to have by my side. Professionally, I learned so many new things about the water industry. My last internship centered around solid waste, so I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to broaden my horizons at Dewberry. While I've learned that water is quite different from solid waste, a lot of aspects are similar, and knowledge can be transferrable across many fields.

Jeremiah Jethroe, Mississippi State University, Electrical Engineering, Nashville, Tennessee
I developed many skills that I will use in my future career. This internship has shown me that I could do this job every day of my life and not grow tired of it.

Monica Gleason, Oklahoma State University, Interior Design, Tulsa, Oklahoma
In my time at Dewberry, I have grown in confidence. Though I have much to learn, having hands-on experience has aided me in recognizing my natural abilities and seeing my diligence in studying pay off. Working with professionals has helped me in learning real-world skills and trusting that with hard work I will become a great designer in the future.

Nearing the end of your internship program, what valuable advice could you provide to future Dewberry interns?

Shane Ahlers, University of Tampa, GIS Remote Sensing Analysis, Tampa, Florida
I would recommend reaching out to as many people as possible. Not only will you become more comfortable in your new environment, but you will also learn more about potential career paths, the company, opportunities, and expand your professional network!

Isabella Nijkamp, Virginia Tech, Site/Civil Engineering, Fairfax, Virginia
This internship is what you make of it, so ask questions, ask for work, and ask others about their experiences in this field. This internship is a learning experience and a way for you to figure out what you want to do in the future.

Isaac Ferguson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Architecture, Peoria, Illinois
My advice would be to not be afraid to add your input into conversations as an intern. You never know if your point of view could be useful to the project or situation.

Jaylin Cole, University of Miami, Resilience Planning, Fairfax, Virginia
Never be afraid to ask questions because you are here to learn. Seek projects and opportunities that will challenge you to grow and learn new skills.

To hear more about our interns, check out our Instagram stories on National Intern Day, Thursday, July 25.