My Top 5 Takeaways from NeoCon

This year, one of the key overarching themes at NeoCon, the annual event for the commercial design industry, was designing for equity, diversity, and well-being in the workplace. Designers are faced with the challenge of creating inclusive spaces that are inviting and beneficial to all. As an attendee of the event, here are five of my takeaways that I believe will impact the design of commercial spaces.   

  1. Neuroaesethics is on the rise. According to research,15-20% of the world’s population is neurodivergent—meaning their brains process things differently than what is “typical.” Many of the exhibits I toured focused on environmental elements like color, sound, and natural elements and how they may impact experiences on a subconscious level.
  2. Prioritizing color and biophilic influence. Research shows it is easier for our brains to process forms and colors found in nature. By including more color in the workplace, we can help bring a sense of calm and create a positive distraction in moments of stress. I saw this accomplished in many exhibits through earth tone color palettes and furniture with curved edges.
  3. Utilizing breakout spaces. In addition to collaboration spaces, the importance of breakout areas was emphasized to prioritize physical and mental health. Breakout spaces can give employees a sense of privacy and a quiet space for focused work.
  4. Bringing the comfort of home into the office and commercial environments. We are starting to see furniture and upholstery that has a more residential look. This could be due to more people returning to the office after working from home.  
  5. More companies are emphasizing the importance of sustainability. Many manufacturers are creating materials from recycled plastics and producing products that are cradle to cradle—the concept that aims to design products that can be easily disassembled, recycled, or biodegraded. In addition to sustainable products, more brands are converting to polyvinyl chloride-free (PVC-free) materials. 

Attending NeoCon provided me with an opportunity to explore emerging trends, connect with fellow designers, and learn from industry experts about innovative design concepts and strategies.