Additional Support
Engaging the Community
The success of developing an action-oriented resilience plan through the MVP process requires collaboration and participation among community leaders and stakeholders. We will work with your community to identify these groups and develop a community engagement
structure that is equitable and representative. This may include, but is not limited to, government agencies and representatives, residents, businesses, institutions, and neighborhood associations. Establishing inclusive and diverse community engagement
is a key component as MVP priorities are being identified.
FEMA Program Expertise
Our relationship with FEMA goes back three decades. Our long-term understanding of federal programs and how they relate to state-funded programs allows us to effectively assist your community with its goals. We have developed and refined management procedures,
created custom applications to automate processes, provided expert analysis of benefit-cost analysis and mitigation projects, written policy guides and publications, and supported mapping and modeling efforts for local, regional, and national efforts.
We have supported Newburyport, Beverly, and Everett, Massachusetts, with hazard mitigation and disaster recovery grant applications and offer intimate knowledge of the history and processes needed to be successful with funding efforts.
Flood Risk Analysis and Modeling
Our team developed the concept of fully integrated coastal riverine and urban sewer modeling to provide a seamless and fully dynamic representation of actual flood risk in coastal, riverine, and inland communities. Our modeling staff uses a variety of
tools and can tailor probabilistic approaches to flood risk under both existing and climate change rainfall and sea level rise and surge scenarios. Using this approach provides the necessary information for stakeholders to prioritize mitigation actions
based on real frequency of flooding as well as severity of flooding (flood depth and duration) that can be generated from our hydraulic modeling tools. These modeling tools can be used for essential facilities, including schools, police, fire, medical,
and emergency operations, as well as sewer network analysis, flood visualization, coastal modeling, and evaluation of flood risk under various rainfall types, including cloud burst versus long duration events and event-based modeling versus continuous
simulations. We develop flood resilience plans that are scalable based on your community’s needs.