Baltimore Wastewater Engineering Services

From Planning to Construction: High-Level Sewershed Improvements for Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland

The city of Baltimore is under a Consent Decree (CD) from the Environmental Protection Agency to improve its sewer system in several areas. We performed planning, engineering, and construction services for one of the city's eight sewershed systems under the CD. Planning activities included reviewing available CCTV and manhole inspection records to determine the extent of the required work, and providing hydraulic analysis and constructability reviews of previous recommendations. The findings from these assessments and the hydraulic studies that were conducted resulted in a design memorandum that detailed the extent, methods, and limits of the rehabilitation work and hydraulic improvements.


linear feet of trenchless rehabilitation of pipe 


manhole repairs


linear feet of tunneling

The fast-tracked sewer rehabilitation evaluation and design included the trenchless rehabilitation of 57,000 linear feet of pipes, which varied in size from eight inches to 52 inches in diameter. Trenchless construction using a tunneling boring machine (TBM) was performed to install 2,350 linear feet of 36-inch sewer line in a 72-inch tunnel in hard rock through a commercial/residential neighborhood.

Construction challenges, which we resolved in collaboration with the city and the contractor, included adjusting the work method in order to preserve existing surface features, and adjusting access points along the 52-inch lining portion to improve quality and reduce conflicts.


City of Baltimore


$1.69 million


  • Engineering
  • Planning, Consulting and Advisory


  • Water


  • Mid-Atlantic