McIntosh Preserve Integrated Water Treatment Wetlands

Providing Recreational and Water Resource Benefits for Plant City, Florida
Plant City, Florida

The population of Plant City, Florida, has been growing at a record pace. New legislation and regulatory changes regarding water supply and quality have been underway because the region’s water resources are not able to support the increasing need for fresh water. 

To sustain and protect the community’s water and the environment, our firm assisted in a cooperative effort with the city’s parks and recreation and utilities departments to plan and construct a natural system with both recreational access and water resources benefits. This two-phase effort expands upon a previous natural treatment project at this site. During the first phase of the project, we performed design, permitting, bidding, and construction administration services for the installation of two miles of ADA-compliant recreational trails, a parking lot, a wildlife viewing platform, trail and educational signage, and kiosks.


miles of ADA-compliant recreational trails


foot-high wildlife viewing platform


MGD of water reused per day


pounds of nutrients removed from the watershed

The second integrated water phase of the project involves 172 acres of constructed treatment wetlands. This phase addresses dehydration experienced in the original treatment wetland by supplying additional water and providing increased treatment volume. The design reconfigures the original wetland’s cells, adds additional treatment wetlands, and adds highly treated reclaimed water for infiltration and stabilization of wetland hydroperiods. To eliminate the need to remove dirt from the site and control project costs, a 50-foot hill in the shape of Florida was designed to provide a scenic vista of the 363-acre property. Another benefit of the project is an increase in the stormwater system capacity, which will reduce localized flooding conditions.

The completed project will provide beneficial reuse of an estimated three million gallons of water per day (MGD) and an annual net reduction of 7,620 pounds of total nitrogen and 2,280 pounds of total phosphorus. 


Plant City 


Trails and recreation: $88,623 

Integrated water: $785,000


  • Engineering


  • Water


  • Southeast