Noman Cole, Jr. Pollution Control Plant

Milestone Design-Build Project
Fairfax County, Virginia

The Noman M. Cole, Jr. Pollution Control Plant (NCPCP) Facility Expansion project called for design-build construction of a new $15.2 million, 4-MGD equalization tank and a new 9.4-MGD equalization pump to prevent the 67-MGD plant nutrient removal treatment process from overloading during peak flows. Working with M.A. Bongiovanni, Inc. on the project, we designed the new equalization facilities, obtained permits, provided construction phase services including resident inspection and quality control/quality assurance management. We used the latest 3D civil engineering technology to model the project's five-mile pipeline corridor. Evaluating existing conditions and elements such as bridge foundations, existing utilities, and topography allowed us to better mitigate potential conflicts.

Substantially complete in January 2011, the facility serves approximately half of Fairfax County’s 340,000 households and businesses.


Fairfax County Dept. of Public Works & Environmental Services


M.A. Bongiovanni, Inc.


$15.2 million


  • Engineering


  • Water


  • Mid-Atlantic