Our firm played a key role in assisting in the establishment of the Polk Regional Water Cooperative (PRWC) in Florida with the goal of addressing Polk County’s water supply needs. Planning efforts included identifying key water system elements that would need to be added to existing infrastructure, a water supply assessment, and permitting. Initial planning evaluated both ground and surface water options. It was determined that nontraditional lower Floridan Aquifer groundwater supply would be more feasible and cost-effective at this time, although surface water options may be included in future expansions.
We also assisted in the development of a plan to finance and fund PRWC’s projects. To aid in the creation of a funding framework, the PRWC established a funding workgroup, which our firm led, to review funding opportunities from federal, state, and alternative sources. Our team worked with several municipalities, the rate consultant Raftelis, a financial advisor, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) officials, and state revolving fund (SRF) officials to develop the funding plan and supporting documentation.